Let me do your research! |
Translation edited by Prof. Paul Acker.
I have always been interested in history and liked to hear when my father told me about what he had found in the archives. I started to do research for other people in 1993, first of all for friends and now I also teach courses in the subject.
I was taught by my father, genealogist Folke Nilsson, who was employed by genealogist Ella Heckcher in Uppsala. Later he ran the Arkivforskningsbyrå (Archives Research Office) together with his colleague Olof Ljung and then on his own.
In addition to research I do at the request of customers, I have also worked with Glömminge parish for the CD-rom “Sveriges dödbok 3” and with Sandby parish for “Emi- and immigrants 1830-1932” (Emi-Bas project). I am now working with Gårdby parish for the years 1830-1930.
An inventory of old gravestones at Sandby and Gårdby graveyards is in progress.
My research : |
- I always use original sources, including church books, birth books and parish registers.
- I sometimes consult a CD-ROM index, but I always check the original document.
- I keep to the promised price.
- I will be in contact with you while I do the research, by letter and/or by e-mail.
- If I should need any information from some archives or incur an extra cost, you will be contacted to approve it.
- The sources are always named and specified.
No family research is the same, so therefore I can´t tell how quickly the research will be done.
Problems like destroyed or non-existing church books can prevent us from getting the family tree completed.
Family tree

Two copies, one large format (A3) and one typed in a small book: ancestors full name, occupation, birthdate and birthplace.
Research can be made as far back as the material makes possible, usually 3, 4, 5, or 6 generations.
The price for further generations can be set after the first six generations are determined.
Price 400SEK / hour.
Example of a familytree 3 generations
Family book
As above, but also a page for every family on the family tree.
The family page: full names of the husband and wife, birthdate and birthplace, wedding date, when and were they died. Name, birthdate and birthplace of their children. If some of the parents are remarried, that marriage is included. Cause of death if there is a note about it.
Deathdates of the children are not included, unless they die young.
Price 400SEK / hour.
Who was you fathers fathers fathers father and so on ?
Research can be made about 8-10 generations, if the proband (the person you start the research with) is born about 1930.
Includes the father’s (or mother’s) full name, occupation, birthdate and birthplace, and wife (or husband).
The same research can be made on your mother’s side.
Price 400SEK / hour. |
Farm, -house research
Same type of research as above. Starts with the farm or house and follows the owners back in time.
Price 400SEK / hour. |
Genealogical table
Research forwards in time, to find living relatives of today.
The research starts with a person born in a older generation and husband/wife, their children with their husband/wife, their children and so on.
”Genealogical table”
Price 400SEK / hour.

Example of a genealogical table